Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A short break

    Part of this process is that I had found different things as I have gone along, and I am reworking my process while I do this. I knew there was more as I studied, but likely was not ready. By the time I laid this course out I had independently invented much of the course in Eliphaz Levi 'Liber T-1' He added to what I had seen. Crowley's 'Book of Thoth' is similar in several ways. These get deep into the theory, which, honestly is not used that much in reading.
    It works a bit like this: reading is largely intuitive, and comes much from impression of the images as presented. All the study just helps to put words into the impression. I have long told people that I go into the vision and get what I need. Then I  come back and need help putting words to the vision. This is where the cards come in. I can give you a few words off the vision, or I can read, and give you several paragraphs.
    This came to bear just here because the court cards are the nexus that the other cards join from. The lower cards are about the motive energies of the querent. The Major Arcana are more about how the querent fits into the universe. The court cards are about where these energies meet and how they work. This is a lot more complicated, and this is why a lot of readers (myself among them) have trouble getting clear interpretations. Notice this is interpretations. The reading is right, it is about expressing the reading, and the energies it represents in terms we will find useful in this life.
     It may yet take a few days for me to integrate the stuff I have learned onto a presentable form. It is one thing to know a lot of stuff. It is quite another to explain it in ways that others will understand.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Nine of Pentacles

    The Nine of Pentacles demonstrates a stage approaching another completion. Among things Tesla said was learn to understand the trees, sixes, and nines. This has the sense that the idea conceived brought down to manifestation.  This is what Pentacles are about anyway. Gain, rewards, sudden gift, accomplishment, love of nature, efforts brought to fruit. Reversed it depicts loss, possibly through lack of diligence.
    In the creation we can see several things. It can be drawn at the top like the other circle. Here it shows us a fourth harmonic. It adds paths for second harmonics. In cymatics, it would make a more complicated wave shape. It could also be drawn on a bottom corner, giving a different path to the fourth harmonic. Both are right. While all of these forms are resonant on various levels, the center flower being complete has higher harmonics than the incomplete ones. The frequency divides as we go to  'lower' harmonics. There is inverse reasoning. The fourth harmonic down means longer wavelength, so lower frequency. Pyramids use this in one of their processes of building energy. Each 'lower' harmonic amounts to a longer wave that both supports and is supported by the 'higher' harmonic. In three dimensions, configured like the Merkaba, every place the next sphere is attached is the same as every other. The Merkaba is symmetrical, so all twelve locations are the same.
    This can read as several types of incomplete balance. There is accomplishment, but a requirement that the effort that got here must continue in order to stay here. There is gain, and satisfaction in it, but a need to continue in the effort. 
    In numbers we have several interesting things growing. In the craft we have things like the rule of three. Simply, whatever you do comes back times three. Less simply it can be 3x3x3. Simple it is that in that multiple, we first see three triads. (9=3+3+3) This gains power later, but here it is a powerful expression. Our linear number line has grown to:1,1,2,3,(4),5,(6),(7),8,(9). Another progression works as 1,3,9. Eventually as we work more patterns there are significant numbers both in patterns that meet, and in diverse places. We are into the third step of yet another progression, 1,7,17. As we see, some things complete, and others continue. All are important in some way.
    There are things better left unsaid. Nine represents a lot of things, for example, on a particular altar there are nine positions, five elements, Maiden, Mother, Crone, and the God. There are other altars, but this one calls for masculine energies as well as feminine. This is a step different from the card that is usually considered feminine. This is about not so much conjuring as encouraging ongoing efforts to bear the expected fruit. This represents the growing phases of the moon, and close to producing results. This is an ongoing manifestation, and being earth, in this realm.
    So how is  this manifested in our day? Are we ready to bear fruit in our life? Is it time for diligence to pay off? Are we in a spot to get lucky? Reversed, Are we needing to improve our score on making the contributing efforts to get the results we want?
    We come here with lessons to learn. Each lesson will be repeated until it is learned, and can be more harsh each time. As we learn, more is both given, and required. With this card we have learned lessons and applied them, and are getting results.  

Ten of Pentacles

    The Ten of Pentacles represents a completion. Efforts that have been ongoing, possibly for more than one generation, come to fruit in a lasting way. There is a sense of maintaining an effort to stay in this place, recognizing that change happens, but the wealth, comfort, and well being will not be allowed to change. Generations that come are to recognize that it is important to keep their whole system, household, village, whatever all is kept and not to forget it is an effort to get there. This can be about sudden wealth like windfall or inheritance. Reversed is about losing longstanding efforts, or loss in a lasting way.
    In creation we have in the upper two circles a figure of great importance, but in lesser form. The centers of the circles in 9 and 10 make a small tree of life. This is manifested more so in a complete flower of life, but here in a lesser way. If we worked this another way it would complete a triangle. This way or the triangle produce a fifth harmonic bent in the long direction. These harmonics both gather larger energies, and vibrate more. In three dimensions, it adds a sphere either next to or directly opposite the previous one. I have not found the occult reason for this, but this is a natural chemical formation. It is fascinating that cards and mathematical drawings naturally depict the structures of nature.
    It is also interesting that while it completes several things in sacred form, it is smack in the middle of number lines. In the linear line we have 1,1,2,3,(4),5,(6),(7),8,(9),(10). The structures we have been working are all incomplete here.
    In spellwork this is like a completion of the growth of wealth. You could, for example, use it approaching the full moon for material growth, or gain in a career or skill. It is the energy used to obtain  culmination of effort, promotion, winning.
    So how are we like this card? Are we resting in the comfort of success? Have we done everything to bring our success about, and are moving into the results? Is it reversed and we are in stages of loss? This can also mean minor loss in order to be ready for major gain.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Eight of Pentacles

       The Eight of Pentacles In every discipline represents hard work and skill well applied. A hint of over focus on detail, possibly penny wise and pound foolish. Obviously reversed to mean lackadaisical, lacking focus, maybe lazy.
       In the creation, here we divide. In two dimensions we were in a stage of completion, now we are growing. Eight circles is one more than a pattern, so we are starting a larger pattern. In the drawing of the flower it is on top for reasons we will get to in a couple of cards. It could be anywhere defined by the crossing of two previous circles. There is anticipation, but not yet manifested of a fourth harmonic, just lacking a couple of structures yet, so we get more first, second, and third harmonics, taken from several directions. In three dimensions it is different. There are two different forms. One has six spheres in a circle, with a seventh above, and an eighth below. Several chemicals form this way. This is one natural form in nature. The intersections of the spheres now completely define an icosahedron, completing the sacred water form. In another form the six spheres are more like a wave, three up, and three down, with one above and one below. The centers of the spheres make two intersected tetrahedrons, also known as the merkaba. This is the earliest form that we can do this. It is said that this form in energy is the chariot of the Gods. It is said to have the  tetrahedrons rotate in opposite directions and defy everything from solid form to dimensional 'reality'.
       Really? Now what does this have to do with the card? Ok, let's look closely. When we spread the cards, each one looks into the soul, but they are part of a larger pattern. Taken linearly, the patterns are obvious, but randomized into a spread, what is it showing us? We have a card that when it shows it teaches us that the energy of diligence is present, that it depends on where it is and what surrounds it, it can be a completion, like the eight spheres, or a little more than complete, like the circles. It can be like water, healing, or like the merkaba, stepping into new dimensions. How does this apply to the querent?
        In numbers we have another fibonacci point. 1,1,2,3,(4),5,(6),(7),8 3+5=8. In two places we have opened the third dimension, allowing spirals to conjure or banish. We have yet another sequence, In the third dimension we now have 1,2,4,8. In our universe it is order that we have completion in one way is still in work another.
         In spellwork we now have the ability to call upon diligence, skill, exit to a spiritual realm. Drawn out this can grow to larger form, or diminish in a more profound way. We are calling on energies from more dimensions.
     So how are we like this? Are we diligent, taking rewards from skill, or lackadaisical, and missing the mark? How would we meditate on this to improve our score? What energies are now available to help us find our way?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Seven of Pentacles

      The Seven of Pentacles , being seven in many schools is completion, but here, no. This is a time of assessment. Things have progressed, but are incomplete. It is a rest between efforts. One school calls this failure, but I get the sense that it is potential failure in the event of carelessness or lack of diligence, more like a warning. Other schools give a sense of progress toward rewards, but stopping to look to stay on track.
      In the creation, some accounts claim that the creation is complete and it is time to rest. This is a bit simplistic, but makes a point. It is not so much like the work is done, but that the seeds are in and there is a moment to assess while waiting for the result. In two dimensions, we have a complete flower, at this point called the seed of life.  This is the first completion of an energy form. With this form we have the image to call the power of the second dimension. I know, there is more. We will get there. The power is found by seeing that six times in this drawing we have the fibonacci 1,1,2, and as we reach the 2, we have a new property. If you will trace the curve of any petal, you will see that it starts at the center, touches the edge of the first circle, then adding 2, skips a space to a not yet defined mark. This works clockwise and counterclockwise, thus calls any of 6 energies to conjure or banish. With a completed hexagram, we have one of the most used sigils upon which some arts do their workings. People have not always been so about sharing. In ancient Greece this was one of two sacred forms that could be used publicly without being put to death by the order. They took their Sacred art very seriously. In three dimensions, this is the top half of the icosahedron. This is pretty hard to visualize without drawings. This is the Sacred form of Water, and the last elemental form.
       In spellwork we have reached an important milestone, we have four elements, and a working sigil. By having the beginning of a spiral we have the ability to call energies that grow toward us, away from us, or by reversing from outside in we can call things to diminish. We have four elements to collect our energies from.
       On a number line we have 1,1,2,3,(4),5,(6),(7). We are beginning to see the power of numbers though. We have Fibonacci, 1,2,3,5; we have primes, 1,2,3,5,7; and we have something new, 1,7, fractal we have 1,3,6. This will grow. The series of the Flower of Life will later show an important pattern.
      At this point we need to ask the usual questions. How am I like this, and how am I different. Am I manifesting patient assessment of a developing process? Do I have a complete phase of an ongoing effort? Am I on track, or do I need to look at alternatives to continue to the intended result? A simple spell would be to lay this card before the mirror and trance over what guidance comes from assessing where I am at.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Six of Pentacles

     This card is a change of direction, the five representing want, the six representing an exchange between giver and receiver. Having or not having resources, knowledge, or power. It typically is represented by a person that has plenty giving to those in need. It represents a flow of energy.
      In the creation, six circles lack making the flower.  We have six inner triangles defined, but four outer ones. The part of the flower drawn is a crow's foot, in Runes, Algiz, a powerful protection. There are energies here, some more complete than others. If we knew how, this tells us of a sixth dimension. On the number scale, it is linear, and multiples of two and three. In three dimensions, it provides all the points for a hexahedron, a cube. This represents earth. Interesting that we saw first fire, changing, then air, moving, now earth, solidarity. This is yet all on the spiritual plane, so we will be looking ahead on how it manifests. Looking at the triangles completed,we see lots of harmonics and cross tunings. In the study of cymatics, the two dimensional studies look a bit like cellular structures, but the limited three dimensional studies have shown that vibration is what shapes our universe. Two dimensional studies leave things a little abstract, three dimensional studies leave no doubt.
       In spellwork this is the first place we have mapped out a small hexagon. With the next step we will map out a complete hexagram. This is the basic working tool of several disciplines, but we are not there yet. Six is a number of peace and harmony. This card in workings will either give image to asking, or to blessing. Myself I am nothing, but I connect to the power of the universe, and can wish blessings on others. It is important to understand that self centeredness comes from isolation, the thought that we somehow are not connected to all that is around us. As we draw the creation we begin to see that no matter where we are, we connect to everything around us. Just as the flower can not exist without the rest of the drawing, we each are incomplete without the rest of creation. In doing workings it is important to understand that the energies we call upon will work willingly toward the greater good, but will resist us doing self centered things.
       Mathematically we have six circles, four  flower petals, ten triangles, two third harmonics, six second harmonics. The structures are getting busier. On the number line, Six notes out, we have factors of two and three, but this is in two dimensions. In the flower it works in three dimensions, each factor taken over in another direction. There is a certain chaos in how things are because some of the structure is incomplete. We have 1,2,3,(4),5,(6) so we are finding linear properties. If we look at the creation drawing, we  see numbers working in an expanding circle, and this step incomplete on the next whole structure. This is useful, but more so as a step to growth.
       In readings this card is either a giver or a receiver, but which? Again we see the need for a spread. One by itself is one word in a sentence. Notice the core of a Celtic cross is six cards. This is reading that both the giver and receiver are part of a greater whole, and there is purpose in both. Am I, (the querent) asking or blessing? where do I sit in the greater context of the reading?
        I will not forever harp on the idea, but it is important to spend time both in divination and in trance with each card. In both divination and trance the questions are: How am I like this card? How am I like it upright? How am I like it reversed? Is this turning things on for me, or off? What does it say about how I fit into the world I live in? Once you have figured this out for yourself, when you read, you will be asking how do these thoughts relate to your querent? 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Five of Pentacles

    Stuff happens. I had this all ready, and a lightning strike took it all away. The five of pentacles is first a pentacle, about earth, finances, material things, manifestation in this life. Earth is  a spiritual realm, just beyond the veil, that if you listen to your abilities, you can see it. It is also the physical realm of the body we live in (for now) and the world around us. This is why this is the plane of manifestation, is that it is easiest to bring things in from other planes here. This card is typically about want or need, not because what we want is out of reach, but that we don't believe.
    In different disciplines, changes, sometimes crises, hard times, ill health, rejection, possibly the false promise of an answer or relationship that does not work out, possibly not finding resources that are within reach, and wanting for it.
    Each card presents more in some areas than others. In the creation we now have five circles. This shows progress toward a completed flower, but little else new. The triangles show progress toward a result we don't necessarily see. In three dimensions it is similar, but watch how the pyramids build. We have not covered up to here how musical notes are affected. Notes are vibration. I am not necessarily ascribing to a number and card relate to a musical note because this leaves too much room to miss the point. At this point we can see. In two dimensions, we see triangles and their relationship to a single note represented by a single line, but  as the triangles join, there are lower harmonics on the longer, now joined lines. Notes are not so necessarily linear, some relate less directly from an angle. In three dimensions it is easy to get lost, but the same principle applies. This is part of how the pyramids operate. The assembly of many triangles, in many directions, creates opportunity to gather energy from a chaos of sources, and put them to useful order. They are discovering this in Bosnia. A note at this point is the study of Cymatics. There are prolific studies of simple waves, but there is little work on complex waves. What is presented shows that it is possible that our form is more or less an expression of a set of complex waves. Dr Emoto has demonstrated this from another  point of view. He has demonstrated that spiritual vibrations are likely to manifest on a physical level.
       In spell work there is more significance. The basic shapes have been a point, line, triangle, square, not on the circles, but the natural shape of that many points. Now we have five, and good things happen. It is not practice to say it this way, but you could call a triangle a tri-a-gram, a square, a quat-a gram, and this five sided figure, a pent-a gram, or pentacle. There is an important difference. A pentagram is used without a containing circle. In spiritual use this is quite important. A circle defines an area, and is used to contain or manage an energy, so a pentagram needs other efforts to manage it, and a pentacle, with it's included circle, is asking for energy in a controlled way. The pentacle, by itself, is a powerful protection, and a greatly useful tool. A conjuring pentacle is drawn clockwise,  and is used to ask a constructive energy for help. A banishing pentacle is used to ask an energy to leave. Obviously this is both oversimplified, and presents things that have lots of purpose, used right.
    Mathematically we see that on the Fibonacci scale, we have interesting progress, but on the linear scale it is a different energy. On the Fibonacci sequence we have 2+3=5, or 2,3=5. Related in three dimensions this begins to draw a curve, or observed more closely, a spiral. There are thousands of examples in nature, the most popular one being the nautilus shell. It has chamber after chamber, starting from small to large, drawing a spiral. From one to the next, each one draws the same pattern. This is illustrated in flower heads, and the growth of leaves on trees. On the linear scale something different happens. The pattern of prime numbers is starting to show. Primes are the numbers that are not a product of lower numbers. It was not so obvious until now. we had 1,2,3, 2x2=4, but it had not set a pattern. Now we have 1,2,3(4)5.   As we study in three dimensions, numbers form patterns, and relate to frequencies.
    In readings, the higher the card, the more it says about the energies of the querent, given a reserve. All psychic tools are subject to reading the reader instead of the querent, if the use is indiscriminate. It is an exercise of discipline to get our own energy out of it so as to read the querent more accurately. This card makes it increasingly obvious that it is important to read the patterns. The card will tell you, the energy here is of an incomplete nature, leading to want. It does not tell you why. Your querent will want to know 'Where do I go from here?' They did not come to you to hear 'this is messed up', they came to see where can they look to go from here. The mathematics can be ambiguous, but can be very revealing. In their pattern, are the cards showing you their energy pattern is broken or disoriented, or is it showing you progress through a situation that has potential a little way down the road?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Four of Pentacles

  It is interesting, since I started this the experience becomes more fractal, I have learned, but I already knew it, sort of. With the four of pentacles something changes. Here the process divides several ways. In the creation the process opens the way to a fourth dimension, in the circles things progress to more elemental form, in the series, it divides, this time linear. As we progress these things will change back and fourth.

     Being four, and being Pentacles, manifestation is on a more or less physical level, particularly as it has to do with finances or physical goods. Four is about reason or practicality, Power is the basic theme. This could be a good thing, like gathering power for a purpose, or a bad thing, like hoarding. It could be driven by striving for the better good, or selfishness and fear.

      We have been presenting creation by drawing circles. This two dimensional method has limitations, so we visualized spheres, and three dimensions. Today we have four dimensions..... Got a plan?... Neither do I. So, Deity made a fourth circle. now there are several vessicas, large and small. There is a rhombus (a misshapen square). There is also the first petal of a flower. This will also become more significant later. In three dimensions something different happens. Taking the original vessica in three dimensions, the overlap meets in an arch. With two more spheres, this place becomes defined, and has points where all four spheres meet. This is important because there are four points defined in space, and two more at the ends of the original vessica. These six points define the next platonic solid, the octahedron, or air. We will later explore more on how we have the fire of earth, and the air of earth, but this is the beginning of it. This is the first part of a profound progression.

     In spell work it is interesting that the number four is about power. It is surely about the four elements. Please refrain from using elements until you clearly understand how to call and dismiss them. This is a musical and fun way, but it gives a warning that should be taken seriously. Don't conjure up anything unless you can handle it responsibly.

Sorcerers Apprentice

This song dismisses the elements:

Element song

This is a catchy piece that will not get anyone into trouble:

Mirror spell

Notice in this piece that three and four share parts of the construction of the spell. In the fourth day we have left the significant days of gain after the new moon, and are now headed for the change at the first quarter, not here yet.

      Mathematically we have a small problem. We had 1, 1,1 , 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, oops. Numbers work in several ways. Up to here we have worked Fibonacci and it has worked, from here we will have to recognize that there are linear (straight line) and other ways. So today, we have, 1+1+2=4. When we work the process this way, it is a straight line. We may jump forward on it, but it is one dimensional. The Fibonacci series in inherently graphic plots, so it is more like 2,3=5 because it is about 2x, 3y, 5z, and grows a spiral, likely in three dimensions.

     Ok, how does this affect the readings? Like I said when we started, you can read the book, and use the definitions, or you can look deeper. Directly it is important to understand that the four of Pentacles is about power, good or bad. In greater discernment, is power progressive, constructive, destructive, or what. I am a little unclear how this relates, but when I understand it, and turn a card for someone I start knowing whether their power is a good deal or not, from Deity or not, and so on. Is it's direction directly good, incidentally good, or not good? The understanding will feel bent or indirect if something is wrong with it. I must admit I am still a little freaked that the reading can  come from a computer program, and read like I dealt it from the deck. I know the same spirits order the cards either way, but it still unnerves me a bit that the program works so well. I am happier about it now that the arthritis is getting worse. It hurts to shuffle so.

      The pyramid Cheops is a marvel, but when it was built, they buried a number of curious statements in the construction of it. Both the eastern and western musical scales are confirmed in it. It uses both feet and meters, there are structures on an interesting number of mathematical systems, thought to be contradictory, but they work together there. Something just now being discovered is that they knew a lot more about the resonances of the universe than anyone now does, and had mastered it.  It was used for healing, worship, preparing crops, and a number of other things. In a tour, a guide was explaining, and at one point he said" we have not figured these hieroglyphics out" One of the tourists (an engineer) told him it was not a hieroglyphic, but a schematic. some of our most educated people are still scratching their heads.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Three of Pentacles

    The theme of this card is manifesting a goal through teamwork, planning, and competence. Another take is creativity and expansion. This is the earliest form of manifesting, like a plan is coming together, but not complete. It is the base thought on the triskele, a powerful Celtic sigil.
     In magical applications, there are several ways this is significant. Most Goddesses (or Gods) have three aspects. For example, when I go to Hecate, She comes sometimes as a Maiden, kind of like a big sister, sometimes as Mother, kind and understanding, and sometimes as Crone, old and wise.
     In creation, when Deity made two circles, the thought was in place to make two spheres, but just then creation was in two dimensions. With the creation of three, now there can be three dimensions. Drawn on paper, two circles with the circumference joined to the origin of each other. Adding a third origin, just where the circles meet, and making a third circle both makes a triangle, and illustrates the trinity. Now we have a masculine, a feminine, and a spirit. This will not be the end, but it is enough for now. Joining the dots makes a triangle. This is the first of many, the triangle of fire. We could say others, but this is the first time of change, and fire is the agent of change. Things will be put into order later. In our new found three dimensions, we have the three sided pyramid of fire, a platonic solid. Both up and down. The three dimensional vessica is now divided in half, by having a third sphere through it. It still works as before, but there is a new meaning to part of the creation. 
      Mathematically, now we have a next step in the series. First there was 1, then 1+1=2, now 1+2=3. The series is growing. Here, it is too soon to tell, but this is the basic pattern upon which all life grows. An embryo is one, but divides, and there are two, joined, then a third, joined like the others. The mathematical drawing, and the picture of an embryo are nearly identical at this point.
     So this card becomes about growth, possibly through planning and skill, and remembering that as a pentacle this is about manifestation of money and material things.
     On the theme of threes, a fun thing: Mercedes 
Lackey Threes.  
     This is illustrative of how the numbers and their meanings begin to look if you know where to look:
Draw the circle 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Two of Pentacles

     We learn as we go. I was originally against numerological tools to understand the cards. Over time I have come to understand that the mages that created the famous decks built on this base.
      Many decks revolve around the concept of two pentacles loosely connected, and needing a juggling effort to balance them. In disciplines: Earth, cooperation, coming together; things moving in flow; juggling, flexibility, flow. There is the distinction of "separate" energies, but they need to move together to be in balance, so, duality within balance.
      In spellwork there are several points in duality. This can be used to look for growth, to separate differing energies, to bring together energies. Even in separating energies, it is more about asking an energy to be somewhere more appropriate than where it is. Bringing energies together is not about asking something unnatural, but asking energies to align and flow together.
       In the beginning Deity made two points, then he took both points and rotated them around each other. This made two circles each with the circumference connected to the origin of the other, joined. At that point Deity was no longer completely about straight, but straight in some ways and round in others. This is the earliest incidence of duality in Deity. He was about points and lines, She was about circles and roundness. Draw the circles, where they overlap they make the Vesica Pisces. This is an early symbol of creation. It is said that everything else comes through this form. In the card the thing to recognize is that this is a progression of the Ace. This is a next step in growth, an increase in the energy of manifestation. Recognize that this is done in balance.
      In Sacred Numbers, this is the next step in the Fibonacci series. 1,1 becomes 1+1=2, so the sequence grows, 1,1,2. I know, what an anticlimax. It can be recognized, though, that this is double what was. This is a progression of growth.
      Notice that there are just over 14 days in the lunar cycle, and 14 cards in each suit. I doubt this is coincidence. In a pagan song, The river is flowing , we see that things are in cooperation with each other, even if we don't see it. In the craft many of us see synchronicity in chaos. In the chaos of many diverse intentions, often the things we seek fall into order if we see where we are in the flow.
      This card embodies all this. Duality, Synchronicity, Growth, Cooperation. It is good to know which of these you are seeing when this card comes up in  a spread. This is why cards are read as spreads instead of individuals. They help interpret each other.
     The trip into the mirror is about presenting, and allowing. This trip did not necessarily return with any profound revelation, but was still necessary to make the subconscious impression of the card and meaning, and prepare to receive from both levels when it is time to interpret.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ace of Pentacles

 This being the first card, I will be a bit more detailed about it. I am going to take the course as I write it, and perform every step so as to be entirely clear on how it works from fresh perspective.
     It neither makes much difference, nor is it going to change the reading that much, but it is called different things in some decks. In one the ace of disks, another, the ace of pentacles, another the ace of coins. It is more about what image spurs your imagination best. After looking at several decks, which one brings the best images to you.
     Pentacles are about earth. There are several things about this, considered the lowest vibration, it is the closest to the world we live in, and manifests most directly.
     In one discipline, the ace is about action, beginnings. In another this theme is the same, but with more thought. It manifests as material things, money, abundance, resources, health. In another, material force, prosperity, practicality, trust.
       Notice that regardless of who it is, it is about a start that grows. It is about a form of manifestation. One author says this is the seed from which the manifestation you seek will grow. This card Is about beginnings in many forms.
     In spellwork, This is used to call the energy of growth or manifestation. In moon phases, this is about the first sliver after the new moon, things grow from here.
     The mirror is an interesting tool. If you were to focus and someone saw you, they would see some fool looking at himself in a mirror intently. As the energy of the space draws, it is different sitting in front of it. Some people call it 'going into the mirror.' I have an old mirror, two (clean) ashtrays, two incenses, two candles. With no lights, candles lit, incense going something different happens. The image everybody sees fades, and it is like being in a different room. Gazing into it and seeking, I say the card and it's meaning, and wait for the incense to finish. I am usually close to trance at this point.
     This does two things, first it makes a subconscious image of the card and meaning, so I will certainly remember. Second, it opens the door for me to ask Goddess for clarity and enlightenment. This will come after I put the candles out and trance. I may not know immediately, but when I read, I will get more profound images for my client, trust me. Quite often after trance, I will have something come up online or out of some random source that will further explain things. When I work with candles, incense, and other fire related things I go to paranoid extremes. I use a candle in a glass holder (ashtray) on a small ceramic tile, on a working surface that for different purposes may be mirror, ceramic tile, or stone. I have a universal fire extinguisher within reach at all times. Please remember to close the mirror with the nonograms after trance. I fell asleep and forgot and stuff happened.
     Today, after trance I found in my description that I had not thought to include the sacred geometry of this card. Being the beginning of manifestation, it is about the creation. In the beginning Deity was in the universe, but the universe was without form and void. Movement was meaningless because there was nothing to move to or from, so He created a point. Now he could move from the point and be somewhere else. Now He did it again, making two points. It was not possible to make a mistake, any other point was another. This particular thought goes much further, but we must stop here.
      In sacred math this starts the fibonacci series. It starts with 1. The next step in the series is 1,1. This is an important foundation we will build on after this.
     At this point we are still one dimensional, so the energy of manifestation we have comes partly from lower vibrations.
I wish everyone the richest blessings.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Introduction, part 2

     Last time we covered some basics and thoughts on how this works. This time is about the mechanics. There is a division in the craft about sacred tools, places, rituals, and so on. It works out to this: if you can get results, it really doesn't matter. Spells are a leading illustration. You see on tv, some cute girl stirring away on some goo in a mixing bowl and telling her roommate she is working on a spell. For some this is the wildest violation of how they would work, for others, it is not that far from it. Spells can be done simply by breathing in, and breathing out. I have long held that the spell is about fooling ourselves into believing the energy will move. Sometimes it takes me a profound effort, and sometimes it doesn't happen.
     The tarot is not actually different. I know a reader that goes online to a free reading site and asks her querent's question, reads the cards, and talks to her client. Oh! And gets results most of the time. I know another reader that has a special room, does ritual cleansings, is quite careful how she allows energy to happen around her cards, and is quite gifted in her readings.
     I am in the middle on this, I am not so careful where and how I read, and it usually tells me more than I want to know. When it comes to learning, I am a lot more disciplined. I have a special place that I cleanse and maintain it's energies. I use a special deck, have a mirror for divination, have candles.
     This gets around to how I have learned this. It can be done in 3 months, I don't recommend it, but it is possible. The study involves exerpts from C.G. Jung's Redbook, a curious work called the Chicken Kabalah, some things from Snuffin's work, the Thoth Tarot Companion, and several works on the Rider-Waite deck. Materials are:

      A mirror, silver or black (mine is silver)
      Two hand drawn nonograms
      Two candles
      The deck of choice
      A box for the deck
      A place to trance and meditate
      A note book

    Most of this is a bit optional, but it helps me to focus and get things done. I keep an altar with the mirror, candles, and a working area for incense and the deck.
     Recognize that a mirror used this way is a portal, and is like a door. You would not leave your door open, so close your mirror when not in use. The nonogram is a sigil of the Goddess, and a protective symbol. Making two of them, and keeping the mirror covered, front and back, with them will save your psychic self grief, trust me.
     I have used the candles two ways, and get good results both ways, but it is different. I have taken two candles and made guards so they only lit the mirror, but not me, even by reflection. This is a call to communicate with a spirit, but can be less than precise. I have had difficulty getting the spirit I wanted this way at times. The other way is to set the candles on opposite sides, lighting me and the mirror, and call to my Goddess asking for understanding. This has worked consistently for me.
     I used a journal book to do the lessons. I took several descriptions of the card and hand wrote them on a page. Hand writing them lends a feel to the learning like no other, and I remember better that way. Then I took the card before the mirror, lit the candles, asked for understanding, and read the descriptions, both upright and reversed. I asked how am I like this card, and how am I different. Each card represents some part of your mental construction, and pictures part of your personality. With some study, you can learn to turn the 'switches' of your mind on and off by knowing which cards represent them and learning how to use it. After some meditation, I went to bed, still focused and reclined, working to trance and get better divinatory understanding. I would usually sleep a bit, and wake with notes to take on my question. This sometimes took more than one night. I always did this before I slept.
     Methods don't have to be exact. When I was in school I needed a quiet place relatively free of distractions to study effectively. If you are one of those people that could study in front of the tv, hold a conversation, and still get something out of it, you may not need to get so fancy. This is just what worked for me. I do recommend studying before bed and making a worthy attempt at trance.
     Trance is an altered state, neither sleeping nor awake, where you are subject to hearing and seeing things you might not otherwise. I do this with the mirror open. I have asked for Goddess (or the spirit She sends) for help, often it comes this way.  I close the mirror after trance.
      Years ago there was a scifi show called Roswell. Toward the end of the series one of the hybrids told his trainer that the alien powers had him all freaked and he didn't understand using them. His trainer stopped him and asked 'what alien powers?' You haven't even touched your alien abilities, these are your human abilities.
     This is not about 'learning' to be psychic. This is about finding abilities you had before you were born, and learning to connect with them. Anyone can do this, it is just that no one can go around saying this stuff is fake, I don't believe it, and get it done.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Beginning Tarot" Introduction

    It is hard to remember my introduction to the craft. I mean, I remember the young woman that patiently worked through my misunderstanding, and showed me places to look, but was that 6 years ago, 8? When I first started I remember repeated efforts to get me to start with the cards. At the time I was interested in things like incense chemistry, herbs and healing, dealing with spiritual things. I just did not understand that the cards are this and more.
     I know a really enlightened reader. One day he shocked me by saying there is nothing special about the cards, they are just pieces of cardboard. I was floored. I knew he had processes with Egyptian Gods, and he had ways. 
     Over time I have learned that if you want simple and easy he was right. They are pieces of cardboard, and anybody can do a spread and get the meanings out of the book, and do a useful reading.
     There are ways to improve the depth of insight, to get deeper understanding. Many of the cards read in perspective to the cards around them, and can have complicated meanings if not interpreted with wisdom.
     There is also the ethics. Should you know that, or is it right to tell it? Some people feel it is unethical to do readings for money, but most of us don't mind getting compensated. Gypsies years ago said the reading started when money changed hands. Most of this is a personal decision. I am not going to trouble someone for selling readings, or not. I am also not directly going to trouble someone for telling what they see in the reading, but I will caution them that some people do not need to know some things. Sometimes it is important to give the fairest or kindest answer instead of the whole answer. A terminally ill person does not need to hear they are certainly gone, and soon. Surely you will see some unfinished business, or a chance for caring.
     I have learned that the instrument really does not matter. You can read stones, Runes, bones, mud puddles. I hear arguments about using "real" cards as opposed to using a program. I have done the same reading both ways and pulled many of the same cards, then got the same take from them. In a psychic fair, I had several people take the same reading and got the same messages, worded differently, from all of them.
    In craft terms, you are not reading objects, but the objects are your opening to listen to spirit, and hear what you need to know. It is important to have yourself clear and open to keep you from reading yourself into the reading. I have given up on pendulum and dowsing. They are so sensitive that if I have a subconscious suspicion of something they will read that instead of the truth. My thoughts do not belong in the reading.
     That is both right and wrong. The reader that shocked me said there is no deeper process, you don't take the cards in, and it is nothing special. Sorta right. It is not about getting something you don't already have, it is about becoming sensitive to something that has always been in you.
     What I have is not for everybody, but it works for me, and I will share.
      C. G. Jung made numerous references to the cards. He explained that the Major Arcana are a pictorial tour of the many aspects of the personality. He did not say that all the cards are.
     He was not wrong, nor was he intentionally leaving things out, it just was outside the scope of the discussion. Every card represents some aspect or your mental and spiritual construction, and represents in some way how you are connected to the universe. When you read for someone it is important to be clear of yourself, and understand that the cards you spread are supposed to represent how that person is constructed and connected to the universe. This can be very personal, and connect you to things you don't need to know.
     When I first started, and went to the magic shop psychic fair, a woman read me, and did an outrageous act, cleansing from where she had touched my energy. Everyone that read me that night found the disturbed energy that I was carrying. When you read someone you touch their energy, and it may take some effort to clear it before you can read anything else with clarity.
      As we begin I am going to assume you have some experience, own at least one deck, (I will assume Rider-Waite) have read the book, and know there is more.
     I am also going to assume you have basic meditation skills, and can do some trance work. It is not so much that it takes deep skills, but these things make it easier to get in touch with yourself in new ways. It also helps to have basic craft skills like grounding and centering. I know, it took me a while, too.
      Blessings until next time.