We learn as we go. I was originally against numerological tools to understand the cards. Over time I have come to understand that the mages that created the famous decks built on this base.
Many decks revolve around the concept of two pentacles loosely connected, and needing a juggling effort to balance them. In disciplines: Earth, cooperation, coming together; things moving in flow; juggling, flexibility, flow. There is the distinction of "separate" energies, but they need to move together to be in balance, so, duality within balance.
In spellwork there are several points in duality. This can be used to look for growth, to separate differing energies, to bring together energies. Even in separating energies, it is more about asking an energy to be somewhere more appropriate than where it is. Bringing energies together is not about asking something unnatural, but asking energies to align and flow together.
In the beginning Deity made two points, then he took both points and rotated them around each other. This made two circles each with the circumference connected to the origin of the other, joined. At that point Deity was no longer completely about straight, but straight in some ways and round in others. This is the earliest incidence of duality in Deity. He was about points and lines, She was about circles and roundness. Draw the circles, where they overlap they make the Vesica Pisces. This is an early symbol of creation. It is said that everything else comes through this form. In the card the thing to recognize is that this is a progression of the Ace. This is a next step in growth, an increase in the energy of manifestation. Recognize that this is done in balance.
In Sacred Numbers, this is the next step in the Fibonacci series. 1,1 becomes 1+1=2, so the sequence grows, 1,1,2. I know, what an anticlimax. It can be recognized, though, that this is double what was. This is a progression of growth.
Notice that there are just over 14 days in the lunar cycle, and 14 cards in each suit. I doubt this is coincidence. In a pagan song, The river is flowing , we see that things are in cooperation with each other, even if we don't see it. In the craft many of us see synchronicity in chaos. In the chaos of many diverse intentions, often the things we seek fall into order if we see where we are in the flow.
This card embodies all this. Duality, Synchronicity, Growth, Cooperation. It is good to know which of these you are seeing when this card comes up in a spread. This is why cards are read as spreads instead of individuals. They help interpret each other.
The trip into the mirror is about presenting, and allowing. This trip did not necessarily return with any profound revelation, but was still necessary to make the subconscious impression of the card and meaning, and prepare to receive from both levels when it is time to interpret.
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