Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A short break

    Part of this process is that I had found different things as I have gone along, and I am reworking my process while I do this. I knew there was more as I studied, but likely was not ready. By the time I laid this course out I had independently invented much of the course in Eliphaz Levi 'Liber T-1' He added to what I had seen. Crowley's 'Book of Thoth' is similar in several ways. These get deep into the theory, which, honestly is not used that much in reading.
    It works a bit like this: reading is largely intuitive, and comes much from impression of the images as presented. All the study just helps to put words into the impression. I have long told people that I go into the vision and get what I need. Then I  come back and need help putting words to the vision. This is where the cards come in. I can give you a few words off the vision, or I can read, and give you several paragraphs.
    This came to bear just here because the court cards are the nexus that the other cards join from. The lower cards are about the motive energies of the querent. The Major Arcana are more about how the querent fits into the universe. The court cards are about where these energies meet and how they work. This is a lot more complicated, and this is why a lot of readers (myself among them) have trouble getting clear interpretations. Notice this is interpretations. The reading is right, it is about expressing the reading, and the energies it represents in terms we will find useful in this life.
     It may yet take a few days for me to integrate the stuff I have learned onto a presentable form. It is one thing to know a lot of stuff. It is quite another to explain it in ways that others will understand.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Nine of Pentacles

    The Nine of Pentacles demonstrates a stage approaching another completion. Among things Tesla said was learn to understand the trees, sixes, and nines. This has the sense that the idea conceived brought down to manifestation.  This is what Pentacles are about anyway. Gain, rewards, sudden gift, accomplishment, love of nature, efforts brought to fruit. Reversed it depicts loss, possibly through lack of diligence.
    In the creation we can see several things. It can be drawn at the top like the other circle. Here it shows us a fourth harmonic. It adds paths for second harmonics. In cymatics, it would make a more complicated wave shape. It could also be drawn on a bottom corner, giving a different path to the fourth harmonic. Both are right. While all of these forms are resonant on various levels, the center flower being complete has higher harmonics than the incomplete ones. The frequency divides as we go to  'lower' harmonics. There is inverse reasoning. The fourth harmonic down means longer wavelength, so lower frequency. Pyramids use this in one of their processes of building energy. Each 'lower' harmonic amounts to a longer wave that both supports and is supported by the 'higher' harmonic. In three dimensions, configured like the Merkaba, every place the next sphere is attached is the same as every other. The Merkaba is symmetrical, so all twelve locations are the same.
    This can read as several types of incomplete balance. There is accomplishment, but a requirement that the effort that got here must continue in order to stay here. There is gain, and satisfaction in it, but a need to continue in the effort. 
    In numbers we have several interesting things growing. In the craft we have things like the rule of three. Simply, whatever you do comes back times three. Less simply it can be 3x3x3. Simple it is that in that multiple, we first see three triads. (9=3+3+3) This gains power later, but here it is a powerful expression. Our linear number line has grown to:1,1,2,3,(4),5,(6),(7),8,(9). Another progression works as 1,3,9. Eventually as we work more patterns there are significant numbers both in patterns that meet, and in diverse places. We are into the third step of yet another progression, 1,7,17. As we see, some things complete, and others continue. All are important in some way.
    There are things better left unsaid. Nine represents a lot of things, for example, on a particular altar there are nine positions, five elements, Maiden, Mother, Crone, and the God. There are other altars, but this one calls for masculine energies as well as feminine. This is a step different from the card that is usually considered feminine. This is about not so much conjuring as encouraging ongoing efforts to bear the expected fruit. This represents the growing phases of the moon, and close to producing results. This is an ongoing manifestation, and being earth, in this realm.
    So how is  this manifested in our day? Are we ready to bear fruit in our life? Is it time for diligence to pay off? Are we in a spot to get lucky? Reversed, Are we needing to improve our score on making the contributing efforts to get the results we want?
    We come here with lessons to learn. Each lesson will be repeated until it is learned, and can be more harsh each time. As we learn, more is both given, and required. With this card we have learned lessons and applied them, and are getting results.  

Ten of Pentacles

    The Ten of Pentacles represents a completion. Efforts that have been ongoing, possibly for more than one generation, come to fruit in a lasting way. There is a sense of maintaining an effort to stay in this place, recognizing that change happens, but the wealth, comfort, and well being will not be allowed to change. Generations that come are to recognize that it is important to keep their whole system, household, village, whatever all is kept and not to forget it is an effort to get there. This can be about sudden wealth like windfall or inheritance. Reversed is about losing longstanding efforts, or loss in a lasting way.
    In creation we have in the upper two circles a figure of great importance, but in lesser form. The centers of the circles in 9 and 10 make a small tree of life. This is manifested more so in a complete flower of life, but here in a lesser way. If we worked this another way it would complete a triangle. This way or the triangle produce a fifth harmonic bent in the long direction. These harmonics both gather larger energies, and vibrate more. In three dimensions, it adds a sphere either next to or directly opposite the previous one. I have not found the occult reason for this, but this is a natural chemical formation. It is fascinating that cards and mathematical drawings naturally depict the structures of nature.
    It is also interesting that while it completes several things in sacred form, it is smack in the middle of number lines. In the linear line we have 1,1,2,3,(4),5,(6),(7),8,(9),(10). The structures we have been working are all incomplete here.
    In spellwork this is like a completion of the growth of wealth. You could, for example, use it approaching the full moon for material growth, or gain in a career or skill. It is the energy used to obtain  culmination of effort, promotion, winning.
    So how are we like this card? Are we resting in the comfort of success? Have we done everything to bring our success about, and are moving into the results? Is it reversed and we are in stages of loss? This can also mean minor loss in order to be ready for major gain.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Eight of Pentacles

       The Eight of Pentacles In every discipline represents hard work and skill well applied. A hint of over focus on detail, possibly penny wise and pound foolish. Obviously reversed to mean lackadaisical, lacking focus, maybe lazy.
       In the creation, here we divide. In two dimensions we were in a stage of completion, now we are growing. Eight circles is one more than a pattern, so we are starting a larger pattern. In the drawing of the flower it is on top for reasons we will get to in a couple of cards. It could be anywhere defined by the crossing of two previous circles. There is anticipation, but not yet manifested of a fourth harmonic, just lacking a couple of structures yet, so we get more first, second, and third harmonics, taken from several directions. In three dimensions it is different. There are two different forms. One has six spheres in a circle, with a seventh above, and an eighth below. Several chemicals form this way. This is one natural form in nature. The intersections of the spheres now completely define an icosahedron, completing the sacred water form. In another form the six spheres are more like a wave, three up, and three down, with one above and one below. The centers of the spheres make two intersected tetrahedrons, also known as the merkaba. This is the earliest form that we can do this. It is said that this form in energy is the chariot of the Gods. It is said to have the  tetrahedrons rotate in opposite directions and defy everything from solid form to dimensional 'reality'.
       Really? Now what does this have to do with the card? Ok, let's look closely. When we spread the cards, each one looks into the soul, but they are part of a larger pattern. Taken linearly, the patterns are obvious, but randomized into a spread, what is it showing us? We have a card that when it shows it teaches us that the energy of diligence is present, that it depends on where it is and what surrounds it, it can be a completion, like the eight spheres, or a little more than complete, like the circles. It can be like water, healing, or like the merkaba, stepping into new dimensions. How does this apply to the querent?
        In numbers we have another fibonacci point. 1,1,2,3,(4),5,(6),(7),8 3+5=8. In two places we have opened the third dimension, allowing spirals to conjure or banish. We have yet another sequence, In the third dimension we now have 1,2,4,8. In our universe it is order that we have completion in one way is still in work another.
         In spellwork we now have the ability to call upon diligence, skill, exit to a spiritual realm. Drawn out this can grow to larger form, or diminish in a more profound way. We are calling on energies from more dimensions.
     So how are we like this? Are we diligent, taking rewards from skill, or lackadaisical, and missing the mark? How would we meditate on this to improve our score? What energies are now available to help us find our way?