Thursday, July 24, 2014

Five of Pentacles

    Stuff happens. I had this all ready, and a lightning strike took it all away. The five of pentacles is first a pentacle, about earth, finances, material things, manifestation in this life. Earth is  a spiritual realm, just beyond the veil, that if you listen to your abilities, you can see it. It is also the physical realm of the body we live in (for now) and the world around us. This is why this is the plane of manifestation, is that it is easiest to bring things in from other planes here. This card is typically about want or need, not because what we want is out of reach, but that we don't believe.
    In different disciplines, changes, sometimes crises, hard times, ill health, rejection, possibly the false promise of an answer or relationship that does not work out, possibly not finding resources that are within reach, and wanting for it.
    Each card presents more in some areas than others. In the creation we now have five circles. This shows progress toward a completed flower, but little else new. The triangles show progress toward a result we don't necessarily see. In three dimensions it is similar, but watch how the pyramids build. We have not covered up to here how musical notes are affected. Notes are vibration. I am not necessarily ascribing to a number and card relate to a musical note because this leaves too much room to miss the point. At this point we can see. In two dimensions, we see triangles and their relationship to a single note represented by a single line, but  as the triangles join, there are lower harmonics on the longer, now joined lines. Notes are not so necessarily linear, some relate less directly from an angle. In three dimensions it is easy to get lost, but the same principle applies. This is part of how the pyramids operate. The assembly of many triangles, in many directions, creates opportunity to gather energy from a chaos of sources, and put them to useful order. They are discovering this in Bosnia. A note at this point is the study of Cymatics. There are prolific studies of simple waves, but there is little work on complex waves. What is presented shows that it is possible that our form is more or less an expression of a set of complex waves. Dr Emoto has demonstrated this from another  point of view. He has demonstrated that spiritual vibrations are likely to manifest on a physical level.
       In spell work there is more significance. The basic shapes have been a point, line, triangle, square, not on the circles, but the natural shape of that many points. Now we have five, and good things happen. It is not practice to say it this way, but you could call a triangle a tri-a-gram, a square, a quat-a gram, and this five sided figure, a pent-a gram, or pentacle. There is an important difference. A pentagram is used without a containing circle. In spiritual use this is quite important. A circle defines an area, and is used to contain or manage an energy, so a pentagram needs other efforts to manage it, and a pentacle, with it's included circle, is asking for energy in a controlled way. The pentacle, by itself, is a powerful protection, and a greatly useful tool. A conjuring pentacle is drawn clockwise,  and is used to ask a constructive energy for help. A banishing pentacle is used to ask an energy to leave. Obviously this is both oversimplified, and presents things that have lots of purpose, used right.
    Mathematically we see that on the Fibonacci scale, we have interesting progress, but on the linear scale it is a different energy. On the Fibonacci sequence we have 2+3=5, or 2,3=5. Related in three dimensions this begins to draw a curve, or observed more closely, a spiral. There are thousands of examples in nature, the most popular one being the nautilus shell. It has chamber after chamber, starting from small to large, drawing a spiral. From one to the next, each one draws the same pattern. This is illustrated in flower heads, and the growth of leaves on trees. On the linear scale something different happens. The pattern of prime numbers is starting to show. Primes are the numbers that are not a product of lower numbers. It was not so obvious until now. we had 1,2,3, 2x2=4, but it had not set a pattern. Now we have 1,2,3(4)5.   As we study in three dimensions, numbers form patterns, and relate to frequencies.
    In readings, the higher the card, the more it says about the energies of the querent, given a reserve. All psychic tools are subject to reading the reader instead of the querent, if the use is indiscriminate. It is an exercise of discipline to get our own energy out of it so as to read the querent more accurately. This card makes it increasingly obvious that it is important to read the patterns. The card will tell you, the energy here is of an incomplete nature, leading to want. It does not tell you why. Your querent will want to know 'Where do I go from here?' They did not come to you to hear 'this is messed up', they came to see where can they look to go from here. The mathematics can be ambiguous, but can be very revealing. In their pattern, are the cards showing you their energy pattern is broken or disoriented, or is it showing you progress through a situation that has potential a little way down the road?

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