Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Six of Pentacles

     This card is a change of direction, the five representing want, the six representing an exchange between giver and receiver. Having or not having resources, knowledge, or power. It typically is represented by a person that has plenty giving to those in need. It represents a flow of energy.
      In the creation, six circles lack making the flower.  We have six inner triangles defined, but four outer ones. The part of the flower drawn is a crow's foot, in Runes, Algiz, a powerful protection. There are energies here, some more complete than others. If we knew how, this tells us of a sixth dimension. On the number scale, it is linear, and multiples of two and three. In three dimensions, it provides all the points for a hexahedron, a cube. This represents earth. Interesting that we saw first fire, changing, then air, moving, now earth, solidarity. This is yet all on the spiritual plane, so we will be looking ahead on how it manifests. Looking at the triangles completed,we see lots of harmonics and cross tunings. In the study of cymatics, the two dimensional studies look a bit like cellular structures, but the limited three dimensional studies have shown that vibration is what shapes our universe. Two dimensional studies leave things a little abstract, three dimensional studies leave no doubt.
       In spellwork this is the first place we have mapped out a small hexagon. With the next step we will map out a complete hexagram. This is the basic working tool of several disciplines, but we are not there yet. Six is a number of peace and harmony. This card in workings will either give image to asking, or to blessing. Myself I am nothing, but I connect to the power of the universe, and can wish blessings on others. It is important to understand that self centeredness comes from isolation, the thought that we somehow are not connected to all that is around us. As we draw the creation we begin to see that no matter where we are, we connect to everything around us. Just as the flower can not exist without the rest of the drawing, we each are incomplete without the rest of creation. In doing workings it is important to understand that the energies we call upon will work willingly toward the greater good, but will resist us doing self centered things.
       Mathematically we have six circles, four  flower petals, ten triangles, two third harmonics, six second harmonics. The structures are getting busier. On the number line, Six notes out, we have factors of two and three, but this is in two dimensions. In the flower it works in three dimensions, each factor taken over in another direction. There is a certain chaos in how things are because some of the structure is incomplete. We have 1,2,3,(4),5,(6) so we are finding linear properties. If we look at the creation drawing, we  see numbers working in an expanding circle, and this step incomplete on the next whole structure. This is useful, but more so as a step to growth.
       In readings this card is either a giver or a receiver, but which? Again we see the need for a spread. One by itself is one word in a sentence. Notice the core of a Celtic cross is six cards. This is reading that both the giver and receiver are part of a greater whole, and there is purpose in both. Am I, (the querent) asking or blessing? where do I sit in the greater context of the reading?
        I will not forever harp on the idea, but it is important to spend time both in divination and in trance with each card. In both divination and trance the questions are: How am I like this card? How am I like it upright? How am I like it reversed? Is this turning things on for me, or off? What does it say about how I fit into the world I live in? Once you have figured this out for yourself, when you read, you will be asking how do these thoughts relate to your querent? 

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